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Daniel R. Lynch

Litigation Support Specialist


Daniel R. Lynch

Litigation Support Specialist


Mr. Lynch is a Litigation Support Specialist who has teamed with attorneys and clients on trials in more than 30 state and federal courts during the past 10 years. Regularly supporting trial preparation, trials, and electronic presentation of evidence, Mr. Lynch also has experience in all phases of the eDiscovery process, including ESI collection, processing, management, review, and production. He is experienced with multiple litigation support and courtroom technologies, including Summation, Relativity, Casepoint, LAW PreDiscovery, ipro iConvert, and Trial Director.

Mr. Lynch is a University of Minnesota graduate. He holds a Kroll Ontrack eDiscovery Certification.



  • University of Minnesota, B.S., 2011
    • Applied Business and Life Science


  • Kroll Ontrack eDiscovery Certified


  • Assists trial teams in the development and management of all aspects of the eDiscovery lifecycle from case inception through trial, using a combination of technical and case management skills.
  • Creates trial databases. Coordinates the conversion of data, including analysis of exceptions.
  • Coordinates productions; quality checks deliverables to clients and opposing counsel.
  • Establishes timelines and budgets for the ongoing processing of information.
  • Performs mobile device collections and analysis.